Archiving Files to CD or DVD
If your files are taking up too much space on your hard drive then you may want to archive them to CD or DVD. Smart Pix allows files to be written directly to compatible CD or DVD writers. You will need to install the plug-in from:
If you are looking to distribute a CD/DVD with a Smart Pix database to others, read the Database CD Distribution section.
If you want to create slideshow disks for sharing with friends and family read the Create Slideshow CD/DVD section
Here are the steps to archiving your files to CD or DVD:
1. Select the files to archive
In the main window select the files that you want to add to the CD. If the files are in multiple folders you might want to add the files to a favorites list and then make your selection in Favorites mode.
Select File>Archive to CD... to display the Archive dialog. Take note of the total file size that is displayed. It will need to be less than the capacity of the device you are writing to (e.g. for a CD the capacity will be around 650MB).
2. Specify how to mark archived files
After you have archived your files to CD, you may want to move them or remove them from your hard drive. For safety, Smart Pix dos not allow you to delete them directly, but once you have moved them to another folder and confirmed they are safely archived you can delete them yourself.
NOTE: No changes will be made to your database or files until after the archival has completed and Smart Pix has confirmed that the files have copied correctly.
3. How do you want your database to be updated?
There are two possibilities for updating your database which will depend on the reason you chose to archive them:
If you copied them to CD just as a back-up of your collection then you probably do not want to modify your database
If you are moving them to CD to clear up space on your hard disk and intend to delete the originals, then you will want to move existing references to the new location (on the CD) so you can still browse them in your database (you will be prompted which CD to insert when you try to view them).
4. Other Options:
Name for the Disk
This name will be used as the volume name of the CD/DVD. If you have chosen to redirect the database references to the disk then you should write this name on the disk because Smart Pix will tell you to insert it when you select one of its images from your database file list.
Add an HTML Index to the Disk
If checked, an HTML index will be added to the CD-ROM, listing all of the files that have been archived
Create DB Thumbnails for these files
If you select this option thumbnails for your archived images will be inserted into the database so that you can still view them even if the CD is not loaded
5. Specify your CD or DVD writer settings
When you click Next you will need to select the CD or DVD writer and specify any settings that it requires.